AfraLISP - Learn AutoLISP for AutoCAD productivity

Learn AutoLISP for AutoCAD productivity

What is AutoLISP?

AutoLISP is a programming language designed specifically for use with the full version of AutoCAD (i.e. it does not work with AutoCAD LT). AutoLISP is one of a number of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) built into AutoCAD but it is probably the easiest to use and therefore the most productive for the beginner. If you'd like to learn how to use AutoLISP to improve productivity, you're in the right place.

AfraLISP will help you get to grips with AutoLISP as quickly and easily as possible using some great tutorials for beginners. But the site also contains many intermediate and advanced AutoLISP tutorials to take you much further than the basics. In addition, AfraLISP provides DCL Tutorials (Dialog Control Language), Visual LISP tutorials, VBA Tutorials and AutoCAD customization tutorials in case you'd like to take your AutoLISP and AutoCAD programming to the next level.

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Tip of the Day

Listing Symbols

The following will give you a list of all entries in a symbol table. This is great for creating a list to populate a list box in DCL.

;;;Start Coding Here
(defun tablelist (s / d r)
		(setq d (tblnext s (null d)))
		(setq r (cons (cdr (assoc 2 d)) r))
;;;End Coding Here

For example, if you would like a list of all layers in a specific drawing, use this :

(setq all_layers (tablelist "LAYER"))

AutoLisp should return something like this :

("7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2" "0")

To populate a list box with the key of "selections," use this :

(start_list "selections")
(mapcar 'add_list all_layers)

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